Preacher wins £7,000 after being wrongly arrested for homophobia

A Christian street preacher detained by police for being homophobic has won £7,000 in damages for wrongful arrest.

Dale McAlpine, 42, was arrested in Cumbria in April last year after he told a community support officer that homosexuality was a “sin”.

He was then arrested on suspicion of a public order offence by West Midlands Police.

Mr McAlpine, who regularly delivers sermons from a stepladder in Workington, was charged with using threatening words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

The charge was later dropped.

However, he sought the help of the Christian Institute and sued the force for wrongful arrest, unlawful imprisonment and breach of his human rights.

West Midlands Police have agreed to pay him a £7,000 settlement, plus court costs. He will also receive an apology from a senior officer.

Last week, a Christian street preacher who raged against the “effeminate” and said gays would go to hell won £4,000 in damages for being arrested.

Anthony Rollins, of Birmingham, was arrested in July 2008 when a passerby took offence to his remarks about homosexuality and called 999.


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