Brandon C (i b gay): General Info

Yea its yo boy Brandon C check it out Somebody just take me away from this fuckin life tired trouble and im tired of goin the struggle, tired of bein alive tired of seeing my grandparents cry somebody just take me away, hope you miss me when im gone and see you did wrong Don’t wanna be in life no more sometimes its good sometimes its bad but what can I do or what I can say im just serve every day but sometimes I just wanna give up and be taken away, I try just to keep my family happy but I always fail don’t know what im doing wrong just trying to keep my head up staying strong cuz that’s what I do best and I know yall ganna miss me when im late to rest, you'll never know when you be takin so tell the people that you love how you feel, don’t tell them lies just keep it real, im sure they care about you cuz every one cares about somone just let them know that you love em Somebody just take me away from this fuckin life tired trouble and im tired of goin the struggle, tired of bein alive tired of seeing my grandparents cry somebody just take me away , hope you miss me when im gone and see you did wrong I aint afraid dieing, but I aint trying to say I wanna die but if I do im sorry to all of you never meant to let go if it was up to me I would stay with you forever cuz that's what families do always be together and I promise that im ganna do what ever to be there for you when you need me to, never had dad but wish I did and my fuckin mom don’t give fuck about me sayin this and that but I think its all lies, my grandparents are the ones who been there form cuz if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have a family I appreciate everything you done for me givin me a good life, grandma your such a good mom, and a wife to grandpa Somebody just take me away from this fuckin life tired trouble and im tired of goin the struggle, tired of bein alive tired of seeing my grandparents cry somebody just take me away , hope you miss me when im gone and see you did wrong My family is falling in apart but nobody cares its breakin my heart, I just wanna see everything like it us to be, when everyone was smileing and each and one of them were happy, I feel sorry for my grandma cuz she don’t do nothing wrong but every mistake we do it goes back to her like if she did it to, and just so you know everything bad that I put you though I regreat and im sorry cuz I can tell when your sad, when ever I see you like that it makes me mad, I didn’t mean to be bad, just wish you could forgive me for everything I done, I know most of my life I did wrong but im trying to change for the best, I wrote this song so I could let you know how I feel no liles all real, Somebody just take me away from this fuckin life tired trouble and im tired of goin the struggle, tired of bein alive tired of seeing my grandparents cry somebody just take me away , hope you miss me when im gone and see you did wrong
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