Pop singer files court complaint

CELEBRITY songstress Sok Pisey has filed a complaint with the Phnom Penh Municipal Police after a pornographic video that features her name in its titles spread throughout the Kingdom.

Sok Pisey, a favourite pop star among Cambodian youths, said the video’s producers had used her name without authorisation, adding that the actress in the video bore no resemblance to her.

“I would never get involved in such an immoral endeavour. Out of 100 percent, the actress in the video looks only 1 or 2 percent like me,” Sok Pisey said Thursday.

The singer added that she had submitted her complaint with the anti-human trafficking and juvenile protection bureau of the Phnom Penh Municipal Police on Monday, and was seeking US$50,000 in compensation from the “anonymous, ignorant” filmmakers responsible for the video.

Keo Thea, head of the anti-human trafficking and juvenile protection bureau, said Thursday that his staff was looking into the case, but had not yet determined the identities of those involved.

“I have watched the video already – it is not a cut-and-paste job. I am not sure yet if that is Pisey or not, but her name did appear in the video,” Keo Thea said.

“The complainant is concerned about her reputation, and the perpetrator made this video for business purposes,” he added.

Sok Pisey said the video’s producers were attempting to exploit her fame and success as an entertainer.

“This kind of thing has happened to many singers and actresses already, but I cannot be patient and let them play with my name like this,” Sok Pisey said. “I have to report to the police and get justice for myself.”

Khmer traditions and morals are under attack from this and other similarly lascivious entertainment, said San Arun, secretary of state at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.

“The Ministry of Women’s Affairs is educating people so that they understand how to protect Khmer culture and tradition. We want to make sure young Cambodian people are aware of our national culture and morality, but it takes time to change people’s attitudes,” she said.


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