Art of murder game download

Installation: 1. Unrar. 2. Burn or mount the image. 3. Install the game. 4. Play the game. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: - Windows XP/Vista - DirectX 9 - CPU 2.0 GHz (1.6 GHz Dual Core) - 512 MB RAM - NVidia GeForce or ATI Radeon video Card with 64 MB RAM, compatible with DirectX 9 - DirectX compatible Sound Card - 4 GB of free hard drive space for installation - DVD-ROM Drive - Keyboard - Mouse INSTALLING THE GAME: In order to install the game, simply insert the Art of Murder: The Hunt for the Puppeteer DVD into your DVD-ROM drive, and follow the instructions on the installation screen. If the installation screen does not appear (in particular, if you have disabled the Autostart feature in your DVD-ROM drive), follow these steps: - Choose your DVD-ROM drive by double-click on its icon. - Double-click the file setup.exe. - Follow the on-screen instructions. Download Links


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